Programi i parashkollorit përmban njohuri, shkathtësi, vlera dhe qëndrime të diktuara

Pse TES?
Synon kontributin në përmirësimin
e procesit edukativ
Fushat e edukimit në të cilat fokusohet programi i afterschool në TES: Gjuhët dhe komunikimi,
Shkencat dhe teknologjia, Qytetaria dhe mjedisi
Te dhenat dhe infomacionet rreth parashkollorit
Mosha : 1-5 Vjec
Nr nxenes: 10 nxenes
Disponibel: Cdo Vit
Kohezgjatja e mesimit: 45 minuta
Why do you need my credit card info?
Magna est consectetur interdum modest dictum. Curabitur est faucibus, malesuada esttincidunt etos et mauris, nunc a libero govum est cuprum suspendisse.
What payment options do you accept?
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings by Illinois, school officials said on Monday.
When will my card be charged?
When looking for home care and caregivers in Sun City, Surprise, El Mirage, Peoria & Phoenix Arizona Senior Care understands receiving quality personal care is a top priority.
Can I change my plan?
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Magna est consectetur interdum modest dictum. Curabitur est faucibus, malesuada esttincidunt etos et mauris, nunc a libero govum est cuprum suspendisse.
Learn from 3D Pro
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings by Illinois, school officials said on Monday.
Learn from Photoshop Pro
When looking for home care and caregivers in Sun City, Surprise, El Mirage, Peoria & Phoenix Arizona Senior Care understands receiving quality personal care is a top priority.